Introducing Your Family To Firearms

Started on January 17, 2025

Are you wanting to introduce your kids to firearms but don’t know how? We’ve got you covered! During this 4 hour class, children ages 5 + (while accompanied by a parent) will learn the fundamentals of firearm safety, how firearms work, what to do if they find a firearm, as well as proper operation techniques. This children, along with their parent will then be introduced to a “Laser” training gun to learn and develop :

  •  Proper stance
  •  Grip
  •  Sight alignment
  •  Sight picture
  •  Breath control
  •  Trigger control
  •  Follow through 

Then, once everyone is comfortable they will be moved onto a .22 caliber pistol, all the while engaging in a friendly contest kids vs parents for the grand prize! Finally at the end of the course each new little shooter will get to shoot at the “Graduation Target” which will react and put on quite a “Display”. Upon completion, each student will receive a Campbell’s Defense Academy “Little Shooter” certificate of completion and have the opportunity to sign up for the NRA Winchester Program. Fee for this course is $65/student and for the monthly meetings $40 each Parent/Child Pair.